Thursday, 10 November 2016

As a woman who supported Trump...

In the months before the election, and now with President Elect Trump - as with Brexit - I have been accused of being many things by the CtrlLeft. From racism to internalised misogyny, the list of my 'problematic' views goes on and on - but it often seems that such insults seem to be more apt descriptors of them than me.

In a President, as in any job, I want the most qualified person in the role - whilst neither candidate in this elections had good qualifications, Hillary's record in politics was abysmal. I'd rather have a political unknown in the form of Trump, than a known bad in the form of Clinton. Hillary's scandals are almost too numerous to list - from right back to being fired from the Watergate investigation, to the rigging of Democratic primaries this year - Clinton proved herself a liar with abysmally poor judgment, which is why I couldn't support her. Reading much of the mainstream media since the election, however, my reasoning for supporting Trump has been characterised much differently - and much more negatively. 

Am I a sexist?

I hope not. A person's gender means nothing to me when deciding how I feel about them - why should it? Yes gender differences exist, but mostly on intersecting bell curves; statistics on gender differences provide little guidance on what any individual is like.

It seems to me that supporting Hillary purely because she has a pussy is the more sexist view. Just like a man, my brain does not sit between my legs - I believe there is more to every person than their genitals. In the case of judging Presidential candidates, looking at their policies and politics seems to be the more important criteria. Would it be good to have a female President? Of course - but only if she is the best candidate for the job. If Hillary had won and turned out to be an awful President (as expected), it would only harden the resolve of actual sexists that women should not be in politics.

Am I a racist?

I'm still not sure where this one comes from. Just like genitals, I don't really care what colour someone's skin is - I care how they act. 

If you think I'm a racist because I like the wall and deporting people:
I think a tough stance on illegal immigration is necessary; there are legal methods to move to another country, which most immigrants abide by. People insistent on entering illegally disadvantage those following legal process, creating ill-sentiment to legal immigrants and draining public money. By entering a country illegally, a person commits a criminal act; often this is not the first crime they have committed. Why then, should they be allowed to stay? I want hard working, respectable immigrants, coming through legal channels, over criminals who think hopping the border (or in my case, the channel) is an acceptable way to immigrate. 

If you think I'm racist because of Trump's Muslim stance:
Muslim isn't a race, it's a religion. Whilst most moderate, secular Muslims don't pose a threat of religious extremism, in the west we are too stupid to have figured out who does pose a threat. Coming from Europe, I can tell you that our current attitudes and policies are not working out so well. Until this is figured out, we are in a precarious position - which is why I feel it is important to at least look into how best to manage the current threat of Islamic extremism. 

If you think I'm racist because of Trump's inner city rhetoric:
Go live in one of the inner-city ghettoes and tell me I'm wrong. 

Am I a homophobe?

Hillary has openly said she doesn't like gay marriage, now her public opinion is in support of it whilst her private one has remained the same; Trump has said he doesn't care, the national government shouldn't be involved in marriage. It seems to me that this is the more sensible view - why should the government be involved in what goes on in people's bedrooms? To me, marriage is a religious union - and if a church wants to marry two men, or two women, it should be up to them, not the government. 

Quite frankly, in daily life, I really don't care (or want to know) what goes on in anyone else's bedroom - as long as everyone is consenting, why should I? What you have between your legs doesn't define you as a person, and neither does where you stick it. If you think your sexuality and gender are the defining features of you as a person, to be frank, I feel sorry for you - because most of us just don't care. 

Am I stupid?

That's for you to decide.


  1. Answered your ramblings on Gab! -P

  2. You fall into the rational, fact directed portion of the population. This orientation is always confusing to the emotionally driven who constantly conflate disagreement with "hatred". Being called names, as opposed to having your positions challenged, is a clear sign that you are dealing with one of the "feels" crowd.
